Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Audit ISO

catatan praktikum jqaf

Jam 3.30 petang saya meredah hujan lebat disepanjang jalan dari SK Bdr Baru Sg Buloh menuju ke SK 1 Selayang Baru Bt Caves...Air sudah menenggelami lorong sebelah kiri jalan. Hati saya resah memikirkan nasib saya pada petang itu. Pada hemat saya jika hujan tidak berhenti selama dua jam di KL, alamatnya banjir kilat akan berlaku..Saya mula memandu perlahan dan memerhati di kiri kanan jalan sambil sekali sekala memandang arahan GPS..Tepat jam 5ptg saya selamat sampai ke destinasi kedua iaitu SK 1 Selayang Baru untuk menyelia Ustzh Siti Ruhaya. Kebetulan Ustzh Siti Ruhaya sedang mengacara Majlis Sambutan Maulidur Rasul di sekolahnya dan saya terus menuju ke hadapan stage bersama Guru Penyelia Petang bagi menghadiri majlis tersebut. Dalam hati saya terdetik bahawa Ustzh Siti Ruhaya mempunyai kemahiran khas sebagai MC pada hari itu. Tamat sesi Maulidur Rasul saya terus ke bilik guru untuk memeriksa folio dan fail guru pelatih. Saya berpuas hati dengan komitmen yang ditunjukkan oleh Ustzh Siti Ruhaya, semuanya kemas dan up to date dan tiada komen negatif dari pihak pentadbir sekolah...kesimpulannya lawatan saya pada hari itu dikira berjaya mencapai matlamat..
Kepada guru pelatih, debaran anda belum lagi berakhir kerana perjuangan baharu sahaja bermula...
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Rasulullah (S) as a teacher part 2
Dr Syed Hasanuddin Ahmad quoted as saying in his lectures....
Psychology or the maturity of a
person was always a factor, which played a part in the teachings of the Prophet
(S). Once a Bedouin came to the Prophet (S) to learn the religion. There in
order to respond to the call of nature, the man urinated right inside the
Mosque. The man would have fled, had the Prophet (S) admonished him. Instead,
he softly advised him not to urinate inside the Mosque as it was a holy place
of worship. On the other hand when something unexpected happened from a person
of high stature, the Prophet (S) showed his displeasure. Once a man abused
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (R ) twice, but Hazrat Siddiq (R ) kept quite. However,
when the man continued his abuse a third time, Hazrat Siddiq (R ) could not
control his anger and replied to the man same way. At his reply, the face of
the Prophet (S ) became red, and he left
the place. He showed his anger, as he had not expected a person like Hazrat
Siddiq ( R) to adopt abusive words.

The Prophet (S) quite often would
explain his point with suitable example. People, at that time, would demand
back their gifts from their friends or relatives, if something undesirable to
them happened from their friends or relatives. To eradicate this type of
behavior, the Prophet (S ) gave them an example. He said, “ To take back your
given gifts is like to eat back your vomit”. After listening to this example,
who would like to demand back his given gift?
to be continues..
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Rasulullah (S) as a teacher....

The modern techniques of teaching:
1. Repeats his points
2. Uses novel and attractive methods
3. Gives examples
4. Utilizes the surroundings
5. Talk according to the maturity level of his students
6. Ask questions
7. Raise points

to be continues.....
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
video in education
I'm more comfortable using video in my lectures to attract students to their subject matter. when I teach the skills of listening and speaking, I will show arabic video for ten minutes, and students were asked to listen carefully and observe the content of the words spoken by the actors in the video. Students are asked to write down what they heard in the video. after that, they were asked to count the numbers of words have been written a while ago. after that they will be asked to re-enact the role play using the words recorded earlier. Finally, they can use some language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing effectively through the video, so this methode can deliver more effectiveness of learning Arabic by the beautiful ways...
sentuhan sham kamikaze di surau taman mawar 2 bbst
Sunday, 20 January 2013
starting January 21 to April 19 is the official date for the practicum KPLI jqaf intake 2012. For lecturers, it marks a long process of supervision and requires a high commitment in guiding the trainees.The practicum process officially takes a long way to go.students need to be prepared mentally and physically to go through for a long period. Finally good luck to all ..
Saturday, 19 January 2013
to the practicum student kpli jqaf intake 2012 : i hope you will enjoy the practicum, and take these opportunities to be highly skilled and excellent in pedagogy ...
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Ayat Quran dipapar di Harvard University

Ayat 135 Surah An-Nisa diletakkan pada dinding berdepan dengan pintu masuk utama fakulti itu, khusus untuk frasa terbaik mengenai keadilan.
Seorang penuntut Arab Saudi yang belajar di universiti berkenaan menyiarkan gambar poster itu dalam akaun Twitternya,
Ungkapan hebat
“Saya nampak ayat berkenaan diletakkan oleh fakulti undang-undang, yang menyifatkan ia sebagai ungkapan paling hebat bagi keadilan dalam sejarah,” kata Abdullah Jumma.
Universiti Harvard dibina di Cambridge pada 1636 sebagai institusi pengajian tinggi paling tua di Amerika Syarikat. - Agensi
sumber: bharian online.
maklumat subjek
kepada student yang dikasihi
sila klik page subjek BAM3101 dan BAM3102 untuk mendapatkan bahan bahan P&P.Jika bahan tersebut dalam bentuk slide powerpoint anda akan di linkkan ke web slideshare.net. Sila jadi ahli slideshare.net untuk dapatkan bahan tersebut...
sila klik page subjek BAM3101 dan BAM3102 untuk mendapatkan bahan bahan P&P.Jika bahan tersebut dalam bentuk slide powerpoint anda akan di linkkan ke web slideshare.net. Sila jadi ahli slideshare.net untuk dapatkan bahan tersebut...
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
share news portal
if you are interested in reading a variety of news in a portal please visit and become a member to this web....
share news portal
share news portal
beyond proforma

Tuesday, 15 January 2013
refleksi minggu kedua
salam untuk semua:
minggu ini nampaknya semua pensyarah masih sibuk dengan tugas-tugas rutin termasuk dalam menyediakan keperluan P&P. Sistem fail adalah salah satu keperluan utama dalam minggu-minggu awal nie. Tapi jika semuanya sudah ada soft copy so tak jadi masalahle.. Nampaknya ada juga siswa siswi yang gagal dalam peperiksaan perlu menempuh peperiksaan ulangan dua minggu daripada sekarang..Jika tidak lulus juga maka mereka akan ditendang keluar dari sistem. Harapnya mereka akan berjaya menempuh exam dengan jayanya..Berusahalah, sesungguhnya tidak ada kejayaan tanpa kesukaran..berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian,bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian....insyaallah....bi iznillahi taala....
minggu ini nampaknya semua pensyarah masih sibuk dengan tugas-tugas rutin termasuk dalam menyediakan keperluan P&P. Sistem fail adalah salah satu keperluan utama dalam minggu-minggu awal nie. Tapi jika semuanya sudah ada soft copy so tak jadi masalahle.. Nampaknya ada juga siswa siswi yang gagal dalam peperiksaan perlu menempuh peperiksaan ulangan dua minggu daripada sekarang..Jika tidak lulus juga maka mereka akan ditendang keluar dari sistem. Harapnya mereka akan berjaya menempuh exam dengan jayanya..Berusahalah, sesungguhnya tidak ada kejayaan tanpa kesukaran..berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian,bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian....insyaallah....bi iznillahi taala....
Monday, 14 January 2013
listening skills
Sunday, 13 January 2013
mukhaiyam arabi

Tahbibul Lughah..
Tahbibul lughah programme was held successfully and the objective is to increase the use of the Arabic language among students IPG KPI. Various modules have been implemented including defective cell module, the module majallatul jidar, hayya naqra module, treasure hunts module and more. Congratulations to the project manager Ust Amran Abdul Rahman and his team from the Department of Arabic IPG KPI....
Saturday, 12 January 2013
My subjects
Belows is my subjects for this semester:
BAM3101 for PISMP BA 1.08
BAM3102 for PISMP PA 3.04
BAM3102 for PPG PA 4.02
PRAKTIKUM for my j-QAF students intake 2012
BAM3101 for PISMP BA 1.08
BAM3102 for PISMP PA 3.04
BAM3102 for PPG PA 4.02
PRAKTIKUM for my j-QAF students intake 2012
PPG Programme
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